We Help Keep Environment Clean

An HVAC, Air Pollution Control Equipments and FRP Tanks Manufacturer & Projects Execution Company
NSIC Certificate of Aastha Enviro MSME Certificate of Aastha Enviro
  • HVAC Central Heating System - Aastha Enviro
  • HVAC Central Heating System - Aastha Enviro
  • HVAC Central Heating System - Aastha Enviro
  • HVAC Central Heating System - Aastha Enviro
  • HVAC Central Heating System - Aastha Enviro
  • HVAC Central Heating System - Aastha Enviro
  • HVAC Central Heating System - Aastha Enviro
  • HVAC Central Heating System - Aastha Enviro
  • HVAC Central Heating System - Aastha Enviro

Ventilation System Equipment Manufacturers in India

We provide three types of ventilation system as under for workshop, Green House and Poultry shed

1. Supply ventilation
2. Exhaust ventilation
3. Supply and exhaust Ventilation

Each type of ventilation system comprises of Pre filter and centrifugal blower/ axial flow fans with ducting & grill network.

We Conver any Polluted Shed / Area into Confort Zone.

There are 3 types of ventilation system in HVAC equipment which are as follows-

1. Exhaust ventilation system - Exhaust ventilation system operate by lowering the building pressure. They remove indoor air from a home by lowering the interior pressure below the outside pressure, while end up making air flows through leaks in the building shell and purposeful passive vents. In cold regions, exhaust ventilation systems are particularly useful. Depressurization can pull wet air into building wall cavities in hot, humid conditions, where it may condense and lead to moisture damage. Installation of exhaust ventilation systems is very easy and affordable. An exhaust ventilation system typically consists of a single fan coupled to a single exhaust point that is positioned in the middle of the home.

2. Supply ventilation system - Supply ventilation systems operate by applying pressure to the building. While air leaks out of the building through shell holes, they employ a fan to drive outside air into the building. Supply ventilation systems are as easy and affordable to install as exhaust ventilation systems. A typical system features a fan and duct system that provides fresh air into one or more rooms that residents use the most, but ideally many (for example, bedrooms, living room, kitchen). Other rooms' walls or windows may have movable vents as part of this system.

3. Balanced ventilation system - A typical balanced ventilation system is made to provide fresh air into common spaces like bedrooms and living rooms, where people spend the majority of their time. If correctly constructed and implemented, balanced ventilation systems don't pressurise or depressurize a home. Instead, they bring in and let out about equal amounts of clean outside air and contaminated inside air, respectively. Two fans and two duct systems are often found in a balanced ventilation system. By strategically installing supply and exhaust vents, it enables effective fresh air circulation.

Industrial Ventilating Equipment Manufacturer, Aastha Enviro
HVAC Central Heating System, Aastha Enviro, India

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